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Yes. If you prefer, we can rent your property, paying a fixed monthly rent, so you don’t have responsibilities or uncertainties about your profit.
No. Our Management Fee may vary depending on the services you need, the location and number of your properties and characteristics.
No. We do not charge any Fees apart from our Commission. The Cleaning Fee is included in what you receive in your bank account, and our Management Fee only applies to that amount.
Only after withdrawing the Fees from the Platforms. Our Commission only focuses on the amount you actually receive in your bank account.
No. At any time you can decide to end our partnership, without any bond, we will only take care of resolving existing future reservations. Your listings will be hand-over to you free of charge.
Through daily price management, to maximize the most reservations at the best value. In addition, we guarantee an excellent quality of service, to guarantee guest satisfaction, their preference next time, and SuperHost status, allowing for more bookings at the best prices.